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Missed My Moment

Writer's picture: Tyler RobbertTyler Robbert

Okay, folks! It’s official! I’ve completed my third decade of life. My twenties are all behind me and I have the next ten years (barring any unexpected tragic happenstances) of my thirties to look forward to. I won’t say I feel old—even though I did throw out my back a week before my birthday—both because it’s cliché and because I know there are plenty of 30+ people who will read this and just shake their heads thinking, Oh you dear naïve boy, just you wait. I will say that turning the big 3-0 has got me in a contemplative mood, though.

As much as we’ve seen the social perception of age trending toward a younger view—think “40 is the new 30” and the whole prolonged adolescence putting off adulthood thing—I think there’s still something about that first digit moving from a 2 to a 3 that carries some weight with it. Our twenties are often a time of initial self-discovery, striking out on our own, and trying to establish who we are. It’s a time where there’s plenty of grace for mistakes and learning curves and figuring things out. And I’d argue it’s also a time when the phrase, “I’ve still got plenty of time” is at its most prevalent in our lives.

Once we’re in our thirties, though, I feel like there has historically been this unspoken—or perhaps spoken in some cases—expectation that we ought to have a firmer grasp on our lives—who we are, what we do, etc.

I’m more than willing to admit that this could just be my own perception of how the world works in my limited, primarily American mindset, but I’d be surprised if I were alone here. As the reality of being alive for 30 years sinks in, I can’t help but look back and ask myself things like, “So, what have I really accomplished?” or “Is this where I saw myself being at 30?”

The answers to these kinds of questions vary depending on what angle I reflect on them from, but the short and sweet of it is that my life is playing out vastly different from anything I might have imagined it to be. I was never the kid who had an elaborate plan drawn out for how I wanted my life to go—I frequently vacillated between wanting to be an artist and a paleontologist, and I changed my major in college at least five times—but there were certainly parameters on my imagination I was unaware of that I have exceeded.

For one, I never would have guessed that I would end up visiting Africa, let alone living here for nearly a decade. Working to help and serve vulnerable children hadn’t been on my radar other than it being “pure and faultless” to the Lord. Being a part of a diverse, multi-ethnic, multi-racial family had never really crossed my mind growing up in a very homogenously white area of southwest Michigan. In so many ways, my personal life is something that a younger version of me would not have been able to fathom being a possibility, but one I am incredibly grateful has come to be.

I also never would have anticipated becoming a voice actor at this point in my life. I don’t know where it came from, but by the time I discovered my love for acting, theatre, and that kind of storytelling in high school, I had internalized a belief that I was too old to pursue it as anything more than a hobby. Oh, the illogical logic of adolescence. If there’s one thing I could go back and tell less mature me, it would most definitely be to follow those desires. Be bold. Be confident. Don’t let your own misguided conceptions of what you can and can’t do define how you live your life.

As I sit here now at thirty-years-old and think back on my life up to this point, I realize there were a lot of times I let the belief that I’d “missed my moment” derail me from doing things I would have really loved.

Study acting in university? As if! You should have been taking acting lessons long before now! Missed opportunity.

Write a book? You never studied creative writing. What do you possibly have to offer the literary world that hasn’t already been done a thousand time? Missed opportunity.

Start a career as a voiceover artist at 30? Oh please, that ship sailed a long time ago! You need to find something simple, quiet, and reliable so you can—

Hey! Internal negative Nancy! I think I’ve listened to you quite enough for one lifetime. Why don’t you take a hike!

How many dreams and opportunities do we let slip by the wayside because we’ve convinced ourselves that we’re the old dog incapable of learning new tricks? Why are we so quick to let practicality—a culturally influenced, subjective concept, by the way—stifle creativity? Why are we often so eager to support others in their endeavors but so swift in shutting ours down?

Recently, I was battling a bout of imposter syndrome as I delved deeper into VO. What am I doing? I asked myself. Who do I think I am? I can’t do this now. I’ve already missed my moment. It hit me then and there that was fear trying to run my life. Fear of failure. Fear of doing it “wrong.” Fear of being a fraud. When I a took a moment to breathe, to take a step back and look at the big picture, I didn’t see the stumbling blocks to success, I recognized all the possibilities. I realized that if I’m willing to commit, do the work, continue to learn and grow, I could be doing VO for the next thirty years and beyond if I want to. I haven’t missed my moment because my moment is now, my moment is any and every moment that I choose to say yes to my dreams.

What opportunities have you let pass you by because you felt like you were too old or not good enough? What would it look like for you to give it a shot right now? I spent way too much of my first thirty years dwelling on all the reasons I couldn’t do things. For the next thirty years, I’m taking an “I can, and I will” approach and giving myself the margin to pursue the desires of my heart.

Until next time, friends, keep telling stories.


Are you in need of a quality voiceover for your next project? I'd love to help tell your story! Request a quote or check out my Demos. I look forward to working with you!

Tyler Robbert

Voiceover Artist | Storyteller

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Michael Apollo Lira
Michael Apollo Lira
Apr 19, 2022

If there's anything I can tell you based on what I've learned so far: you have a big decade ahead. Your 30s are going to be amazing. I'm in a similar position myself, only I'm on the home stretch here for my 30s. I've been reflecting back on the decade past, shaking my head in disbelief at how quickly it went by, yet also by how much I experienced and accomplished in that time. I'm excited to see where my 40s take me! And I'm excited for your 30s. You've got a big decade ahead of you sir.

Tyler Robbert
Tyler Robbert
Apr 20, 2022
Replying to

I'm extremely excited to see what's in store. We're already anticipating an international move back to the US, which will be a huge transition for our whole family, particularly our adopted daughter who never left southern Africa. That seems like a pretty big event for the decade to come—and it is—but I can only imagine what other adventures await, VO and otherwise!

Looking forward to seeing all the amazing things you're able to partake in as well!


Josh Alexander
Josh Alexander
Apr 18, 2022

I think this is your best blog yet, Tyler. So many of us look back and say "Shoulda Coulda Woulda". But you can't steer your life by the rearview mirror. Sure, some things have slipped by, but in some senses they help us to appreciate where you are at now...MORE...because they slipped by. It helps you take stock of where you're currently at in the world, in your life, etc., and understand how good things truly are. At least IMHO. I love that you take stock though, and I love the talkback to Negative Nancy. You tell 'er, son. You tell 'er. There is ALWAYS time to pursue dreams. Always.

Tyler Robbert
Tyler Robbert
Apr 18, 2022
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Thank you, Josh! Your input is always appreciated. I've known for a while that I was allowing Negative Nancy too much influence for the price of room and board she's paying me. It's just time to kick her to the curb and make room for someone new. I've got a great application from Encouraging Enid with excellent references that I'm seriously considering!


Jon Gardner
Jon Gardner
Apr 18, 2022

Tyler, I really appreciate your mindset in this post. If you can maintain that "I can, I will" attitude, it will serve you well no matter what you pursue. I will admit, though, that I almost didn't read this. When I saw your title and then saw you are turning the infinitesimally miniscule age of 30, I didn't want to bother. In fact, my first reaction was to give you a lighthearted, friendly, swift kick you in the shin. Missed your moment? Oh, you dear naive boy. I am three years into my VO journey and I am turning 60 next month. I know other VO people who started later than I. Take heart! If the decrepit, desiccated husks of…

Tyler Robbert
Tyler Robbert
Apr 18, 2022
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Haha, thank you, Jon! Glad you DID end up reading and responding. It can be so easy to get discouraged when trying new things, and we can come up with all sorts of reasons why we can't do things. It's all a matter of perspective, of course. Thanks for helping me drive my point home—even and especially to myself—by giving me a wiser, more experienced point of view. (That's my translation of decrepit and desiccated 😉).

And I sincerely apologize; you're lawn is just so attractive! It's hard to resist!

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